Hi everypuppy!
Instead of posting something about myself today, I need to ask for woo and woor humans' help. My human received an e-mail about a 7-year-old male husky in California who was going to be put to sleep today by the shelter humans. Thankfwoolly, some very special humans got him out of the shelter and named him Phoenix. The shelter humans said that he was dog and human aggressive, but the humans who rescued him said that he is well behaved when he is outside his kennel. He didn't like humans trying to go in and grab him out like a true husky! My humans and I believe that every dog deserves a chance to be fairly evaluated, and we were very touched by all the effort made my some humans to help Phoenix. He is currently at a V-E-T being treated for some med-ik-al conditions, possibly inclwooding mange. He also needs blood work, a B-A-T-H and check up. While I wasn't able to help him, I asked my humans to make a small donation of $50.00 for his care so that he can get well again.
If woo can ask woor humans to help Phoenix, here are three ways they can make donations:
1. Call the animal hospital and ask for Tony.. the number is 310
398-7256. Phoenix will be listed under Cindy Price..
2. PayPal ResQPet at ...
www.resqpet.org donation button.. be sure to send a notice that it is for Phoenix to resqpet@aol.com
3. Send a check to: ResQPet, 23705 Vanowen St, Suite 245, West Hills,
CA 91307 note for Phoenix
Also, if woor humans know of a place where he might find a rescue or foster home, please ask them to e-mail Blake Donovan at resqpet@aol.com. He can only stay at the V-E-T until Saturday. Please help a fellow husky!
Here is a picture of Phoenix. I think he was camera shy because he didn't look up into the camera.

Please help Phoenix get better so he can find a forever home!